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—> BWMCH Academic School Year Calendar 2024-2025 <---


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Spring Break

Possible Snow Makeup Days

First day of school (For New Students only, Half Day)

We're welcoming the new students a little early, so that they can get used to the classroom and get oriented in a smaller group the day before before the returning students return. We start welcoming students at 8:30 AM, and ask that all students be dropped off by 8:50 AM so that they can be... Continue Reading »

First Day of School for Returning Students

Returning students will join the new students, for the first full day of school! We look forward to seeing everyone back! Parents, please review your handbooks so that you're ready for the first day. The normal half day will end at 11:45 AM, the normal full day will end at 3:30 PM, and aftercare will... Continue Reading »

Ice Cream Social

Come join us right after school for some ice cream, and get to know our school's community. The parent community is very friendly, and this is a great way to start organizing play dates outside of school.